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I'm a 28-year old engineering undergraduate and I spend most of my time in e-macs as of about a year ago. It took a little time to get used to, but it's been worth it.

I've recently fallen in love with org-mode and I want to ask you about using it as an engineering journal: how can I make it legally authenticatable? If I keep my journals in org-mode, is a private github repository sufficient for security and authentication?

You can always create a new set of commits (git will let you change the dates to what ever you want) and force push to master. Will look completely legit, unless somebody else has a prior checkout, or a hash.

That is how you make it work: at the end of each workday, email somebody neutral the hash of head.

Ah, interesting question. This I do not know. Unlike my colleagues in biology, we are not actually required to keep lab notebooks or something equivalent. Perhaps someone more knowledgeble than I can answer...

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