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Everything I hear about SQLite3 always suggests that, essentially, it is considered "done". It does what it is supposed to do with great performance. There is nothing major left to do. If it doesn't meet your needs, pick a different SQL database.

Which, while a totally alien concept in the modern software world, is actually a pretty cool thought.

(I'm sure under the hood bugs are getting fixed and all)

Done? Almost every .0 version I checked in https://www.sqlite.org/chronology.html saw some new features.

Well, obviously they should rewrite it in Rust.

Actually having an alternative implemention would be terrific.

Look how Open Office development charged after the introduction of Go OO, or MySQL after MariaDB, or more generally the entire smartphone market after the introduction of the iPhone. Competition is good.

That said, Dr. Hipp is known to be passionate about SQLite. In my previous examples the software was pretty much neglected before the competition came, which is certainly not the case with SQLite.

From the canonical source (as in, [Richard Hipp](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D._Richard_Hipp)):

Rewriting SQLite in Rust, or some other trendy “safe” language, would not help. In fact it might hurt.

Prof. Regehr did not find problems with SQLite. He found constructs in the SQLite source code which under a strict reading of the C standards have “undefined behaviour”, which means that the compiler can generate whatever machine code it wants without it being called a compiler bug. That’s an important finding. But as it happens, no modern compilers that we know of actually interpret any of the SQLite source code in an unexpected or harmful way. We know this, because we have tested the SQLite machine code – every single instruction – using many different compilers, on many different CPU architectures and operating systems and with many different compile-time options. So there is nothing wrong with the sqlite3.so or sqlite3.dylib or winsqlite3.dll library that is happily running on your computer. Those files contain no source code, and hence no UB.

The point of Prof. Regehr’s post (as I understand it) is the the C programming language as evolved to contain such byzantine rules that even experts find it difficult to write complex programs that do not contain UB.

The rules of rust are less byzantine (so far – give it time :-)) and so in theory it should be easier to write programs in rust that do not contain UB. That’s all well and good. But it does not relieve the programmer of the responsibility of testing the machine code to make sure it really does work as intended. The rust compiler contains bugs. (I don’t know what they are but I feel sure there must be some.) Some well-formed rust programs will generate machine code that behaves differently from what the programmer expected. In the case of rust we get to call these “compiler bugs” whereas in the C-language world such occurrences are more often labeled “undefined behavior”. But whatever you call it, the outcome is the same: the program does not work. And the only way to find these problems is to thoroughly test the actual machine code.

And that is where rust falls down. Because it is a newer language, it does not have (afaik) tools like gcov that are so helpful for doing machine-code testing. Nor are there multiple independently-developed rust compilers for diversity testing. Perhaps that situation will change as rust becomes more popular, but that is the situation for now.


Even if Rust is at parity with C in terms of tooling and ecosystem (which it probably will be in a few short years), SQLite is probably not high on the list of software to rewrite in Rust, given its fairly high quality. Let's rewrite the vulnerability-ridden ones first.

> it does not have (afaik) tools like gcov

You can just use C tooling with Rust, generally; I know kcov has worked for a long time, but it looks like easy gcov support does exist: https://github.com/kennytm/cov

Rewriting in Rust would not make any sense, sure. But rewriting in a faster and safer language, like Pony or ATS might, esp. for lots of CPU's.

Although i get the joke, it would be a fun and interesting experiment wouldn't it ? Espacially since the sqlite test suite is so exhaustive.

There is a version rewritten in C#, back in the day - not sure how up to date is:


Because we’ve missed the Rust evangelism strike force so very much.

I honestly hope against hope that you’re being sarcastic.

Check out the changelog...they've added a ton of new stuff. Native json support, completely new full-text search extension, lsm key/value extension, performance improvements. I think they're looking at some changes to locking in the near future as well. Lots of stuff to find if you look.

SQLite is one of my favorite pieces of software for this exact reason, that it is actually a more or less "finished" program instead of a mire of shifting design requirements and constant security updates, a comfortably static and unchanging object against the chaotic backdrop of modern software development.

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