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I'm 28 and I'm still recovering from the stimulants I took to 'help me sit still' in school.

It's part of my life's work to make sure that kind of drugging of children becomes a thing of the past. It's criminal.

Can you imagine giving a child amphetamines to 'help' them in a non-coercive environment like a Sudbury School? https://ia801305.us.archive.org/19/items/TheSudburyValleySch...

I have taken stimulants on and off through my life. I certainly don't need them, but it is very unlikely I would own a tech company if I hadn't taken them. They have almost certainly improved my life immensely.

The GP said 'during school', so I assume it wasn't voluntary and instead something they had to do.

In your post you talk about on and off and don't give us any insight whether you (always? most of the time?) made that decision yourself.

Are you against any and all use of methylphenidate?

I'm against giving addictive pharmaceuticals to children as a solution to structural problems in compulsory schooling. Consenting adults should be able to make their own choices.

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