The answer to starvation is is to store food now. Seems kinda silly to have huge strategic oil reserves, and not food reserves.
After all there are many potential causes of food shortages and the risks are getting worse with each year because of additional pollution, global warming, and increased population.
I don't want anyone to die, but does seem short sighted to depend on soil enriched by previous eruptions, then to prevent future ones.
> The answer to starvation is is to store food now.
Or, maybe, we could prevent it all from happening in the first place.
I don't understand why you're so stuck on not preventing mass death. Did you not think this through before commenting and now your ego won't let you back down? Or are you just trolling?
Soil world wide is decreasing in quality. Wasteful farming practices, slash and burn farming, erosion, monoculture farming, heavy pesticide use, making pesticide resistant crops so you can use more pesticide, etc.
Seems far from sure that a world wide cloud of ash might well do more benefit (better soil, cooler temperatures, helping dead zones in the ocean) than harm.... assuming we plan for it.