Tests are a way to judge what it does. It does the judging for you, ensuring features work as advertised, and provide usage examples that are guaranteed to work.
Well I would use it, but I wouldn't contribute, because I write all my code in a test driven programming way. AFAIK Chuck Norris writes the code first, never the test.
It's not a question of wether something might break, it's a question of when will it break and how long a new introduced bug might be undetcted, that could have easily detected by some tests? Bugs always happen in projects, if someone says otherwise, he either proved his program to be correct (e.g. in COQ) or is wrong (and sometimes both :).
In that case, I wouldn't. But I believe that it will happen eventually, this is not a 10lines project, has many lines of code and since it's new, I expect a lot to be changed. Then those changes are going to break features.
Like users, programmers don't care whether programs have tests as long as it does what it needs to do.