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So I found [1] which appears to contain the actual text used in the resolution.

> CONSTITUÏM la República catalana, com a Estat independent i sobirà, de dret, democràtic i social.

Which Google translates as

> WE CONSTITUTE THE Catalan Republic, as an independent and sovereign State, of social and democratic law.

It certainly sounds like a declaration of independence. Since the very act of making the declaration is de jure illegal, it's not clear to me that there's a formality that must be observed for this to be made more "official".

[1] http://www.elpuntavui.cat/politica/article/17-politica/12696...

It's inside a preamble/preface of what is basically a non-law proposal. If a preamble inside a law has no normative effect, a preamble in a non-law proposal (asking the Catalan government to "please" do something) has the legal effect of a letter to the Three Wise Men.

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