very well said with annotated sample personalities who made it top of Silicon Vally ...
> Life is long. If his location gives him access to opportunities that you don't have, figure out a way to get access to those opportunities and execute on it once you graduate from college. Many prominent
> Silicon Valley people came from small towns in the mid-west (Marc Andreessen, Evan Williams) or immigrated from poor political situations abroad (Sergey Brin, Jan Koum, Elon Musk).
> Life is long. If his location gives him access to opportunities that you don't have, figure out a way to get access to those opportunities and execute on it once you graduate from college. Many prominent
> Silicon Valley people came from small towns in the mid-west (Marc Andreessen, Evan Williams) or immigrated from poor political situations abroad (Sergey Brin, Jan Koum, Elon Musk).