I don't understand where the 'hierarchy' comes into play? This reads to me as a standard computer program where you execute code, and some of those lines execute other segments of code which might be much more complex than what I see. If I execute the line 'printline('Hello World')' I only excuted one line, but many other things happened that I did not directly execute. I'm sure I'm missing something, and this is somehow different and novel, but I'm just missing it from this blog post.
It is effectively a system of reinforcement learning agents working in a command hierarchy to solve problems that single reinforcement learning agents fail to.
It's (somewhat)obvious that this is an idea worth trying. But that doesn't mean actually getting it to work is easy.
Got it, okay, so it is different from a traditional computer program, and more like a business or military unit, where the agent at a high level "determines" an action, and delegates the action to a lower level entity that doesn't necessarily have the knowledge as to why it's doing this thing?