>Global figures are hard to come by, but only three or four in every hundred PhD students in the United Kingdom will land a permanent staff position at a university. It’s only a little better in the United States.
But I claim that number is really pi (or tau/2 if you must). Will you take theirs one rather than mine as an argument from authority? This is Nature, not the damn daily mail. Digital extraction required![1]
[1] Vernacular expression "Pull your finger out!" Meaning to stop being lazy.[2]
[2] Jokes you have to explain, suck.[2]
[3] People who put footnotes on their jokes are terrible human beings.[4]
[4] There is no [4][5]
[5] citation needed
>Global figures are hard to come by, but only three or four in every hundred PhD students in the United Kingdom will land a permanent staff position at a university. It’s only a little better in the United States.