+1 BetterTouchTool. I have buttons for a "visor" style terminal prompt, OnePassword everywhere, web and mobile inspector tools, love it all. Would hate to give up the Touch Bar now that I've finally made it useful.
Which is kind of the key — Apple didn't build in enough functionality out-of-the-box for users to make it useful. They left it to developers, and developers dropped the ball.
All of this is a separate issue from the keyboard issues. My "F" key has all but popped off. That has nothing to do with the Touch Bar.
Which is kind of the key — Apple didn't build in enough functionality out-of-the-box for users to make it useful. They left it to developers, and developers dropped the ball.
All of this is a separate issue from the keyboard issues. My "F" key has all but popped off. That has nothing to do with the Touch Bar.