Further pointers to similar tools are appreciated! Grabbed several of these from this awesome discussion of a weak article on Handbrake: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=13492646 (Jan 2017, 59 comments)
Thanks for sharing all of these tools! Do you happen to know if any of these can write metadata to mp4 or mov files that will be recognized by Mac/iOS Photos?
I've been trying to write location, camera, date, etc. to encoded videos, but Photos won't recognize anything except files straight off an iPhone. The closest thing I've found is that ffmpeg can write Quicktime tags and the structure looks identical to me when I view it in exiftool, but Photos still doesn't respect it, so I assume there's some minute difference that breaks Photos' parsing.
Unfortunately I do not have any personal experience with your problem since I purposely avoid Apple Photos (perhaps helpful though not related: I rely on Google+ Photos as my free [lossy] offsite backup).
Cool! Reminds me of GStreamer (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GStreamer). It’s definitely like AWK insofar as it’s pipeline-based. But to me the big thing about AWK is that the program doing the transformation is usually super easy to write down in the CLI itself. Either way, sounds fun!
This seems more like pipe-based processing for multimedia than AWK-based. I don't see what AWK does in relation to this that any good UNIX-y utility that is pipe-friendly is doing (grep, sed, etc).
> Using the fifth root gives five intervals for each octave, a pentatonic scale. Why five notes? It is really easy to make something that sounds good in the pentatonic scale and really hard for a pair of notes to be dissonant.
Wait a minute! Is the five-note equal-division of the octave really one of those scales that "just sound good"? It's definitely not the same scale as the example he links to.
The pentatonic scale does not imply equal temperament between the five notes. The "good-sounding" pentatonic scales use very simple harmonic ratios, for example 1, 9/8, 5/4, 3/2 and 5/3 for the major pentatonic scale. In the equally tempered 12-note octave, these roughly correspond to the first, second, third, fifth and sixth. An equal division of an octave into five notes doesn't yield as harmonic results.
That said, 5-EDO sounds good in my opinion. Not very harmonic, but somewhat resembles the scales used Gamelan music.
I tried this out using overtone, and it doesn't sound too terribly dissonant, but I agree, nothing like the major pentatonic scale linked in the video.
May be I didn't pay it enough time, but this seems to be just pipe-based video processing. I thought that the main feature in awk was to work with meaning in the text itself - so I expected some machine-learning magic to find all dogs and replace them with cats, for example.
The pipes are only used to communicate higher-level IPC primitives. The real data exchange and processing is bidirectional. This is why it is possible for the last client in the chain to provide the inputs that control the game that was being run by the first client in the chain. There is also audio.
The part that I found cool is that the possible data sources aren't just videos, it's emulators, virtual machines, terminals, and so on.
"the example here only works with a single pipe-and-filter chain, but there is nothing preventing arbitrary, even dynamic, graphs to be created."
(and AWK is a DSL for streaming text processing - it's from the late 70ies.. it's dumb as a rock - there's no high level analysis features)
Sorry, but this article has nothing to do with AWK other than mentioning its name. AWK is a pattern-action, implied-loop text processing scripting language that supports user-defined functions and interaction with the OS via pipes and system().
It may have been better titled "Arcan is to multimedia as AWK is to text", or something.
Other video tools (besides ffmpeg):
https://www.mltframework.org/ (lightweight LGPL C99 perhaps similar to OP)
http://www.emmgunn.com/ (mac VIDEOtoolbox), https://subler.org/ (mac mp4)
https://sourceforge.net/projects/megui/ (windows, recommended for SD sources)
https://github.com/stax76/staxrip (windows, a better handbrake)
Further pointers to similar tools are appreciated! Grabbed several of these from this awesome discussion of a weak article on Handbrake: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=13492646 (Jan 2017, 59 comments)
PS. Also looking for pros/cons/alternatives re: print LUT http://juanmelara.com.au/print-film-emulation-luts-for-downl... and histogram equalization http://docs.opencv.org/3.1.0/d5/daf/tutorial_py_histogram_eq...