I wait until the last minute to do laundry [business-suit-and-spandex mode.] My girlfriend hates this; when she did it, she would run it well ahead of time, in effect spending twice as much time and water as I do, with nothing to show for it (and no, she wasn't doing it to increase her clothing choice.)
I think, in general, YAGNI applies to more than just programs, and especially to pre-planned investments in time. You'll be surprised how much of your day you simply waste, and can be optimized away to no ill effect, emotionally, psychologically, or creatively.
[Oddly, just as I finished writing this, I went back to the front page and opened another article which made my statement seem awfully derivative: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parkinson's_law]
Actually, waiting until the last minute to apply for a summer internship is often a good idea. You'll be competing against fewer applicants if a new spot opens up at the company. It worked for me both times I applied late much better than applying early.
I reckon Seth follows YC news, since pg posted his "don't wait until the last minute" message earlier today. It seems unlikely to be merely coincidence.
I think, in general, YAGNI applies to more than just programs, and especially to pre-planned investments in time. You'll be surprised how much of your day you simply waste, and can be optimized away to no ill effect, emotionally, psychologically, or creatively.
[Oddly, just as I finished writing this, I went back to the front page and opened another article which made my statement seem awfully derivative: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parkinson's_law]