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Ask HN: Hacker Houses with Vacancy?
21 points by jacoblyles on July 21, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments
Hi YC,

I'm working on a startup and I want to move to the Bay Area to network with potential partners and investors more easily. I have about six months of funding. If I don't raise more funding in about 4 months, I intend to look for a job (also a good thing to do in the Bay Area).

In particular, I am interested in moving to Mountain View or San Francisco. For the good of all of us looking to relocate to the Bay Area, how about a thread for the Hacker Houses in the area that have a room available?

What is a hacker house? I even visited that site http://hackerhouse.bluwiki.com and googled it, but not much explanation.

Common interest housing. A group of hackers together to inspire one another, maintain whatever tools and support everyone needs for their projects, and generally have a kickass time.

Do they have to work together? Or is the concept closer to just living and hanging out with like-minded people? I would love to live with friends who inspire me, but I already have my own work, so I don't know if I qualify.

From http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1533796 :

The Mountain View Hacker House has a room opening up August 15th, if you're interested (or know someone interested) please contact jake@noteleaf.com. Thanks!

Hey Jacob,

SF-HH here. We're full up, but you're welcome to crash for a few days while you're looking for a place. My email's in the profile.

Hey jacob, the Mountain View HH has an opening. email jake at noteleaf.com

Jacob, stick in the peninsula or south bay, San Francisco is frustratingly expensive with a really broken housing market. The last 2 months of my life have been devoted to finding the right apartment, and I think I'm leaving San Francisco because of it (and I've been in SF for 10 years). Your life will be easier if you don't try to do anything cool but accept that the only reason you're in the bay area it to succeed in business and leave.

Thanks for the advice.

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