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Bloom Filters for the Perplexed (sagi.io)
259 points by kedmi on Sept 28, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 45 comments

Bloom filters are a nice data structure, and you should absolutely have them in your toolbox, but if you go looking for a reason to use one you are likely to wind up making things worse. The following is not valid reasoning: "Bloom filters are efficient. Therefore if I can find a way to use a bloom filter, my solution will be efficient."

The "SSH keys" protocol in the article seems like an example of this. It doesn't make any sense. Why would the server send the client a Bloom filter if the client has already told it what key it wants to check? The server only has to send one bit back to the client! And if the goal is to not trust the server with the client's (public) key, this protocol doesn't accomplish that either.

And if you do for some reason have to transmit the entire database of compromised SSH keys in a way that permits only membership tests, a Bloom filter isn't the most compact way to do it! For example, off the top of my head, you could calculate an (15+N)-bit hash for each element of the list, sort the hashes, and rice code the deltas. That would take very roughly 32768 * (N+2) bits and give about 1 in 2^N false positives. So for N=13 it is about the size of the bloom filter in the article but gives a false positive rate 8 times lower. This data structure isn't random access like a Bloom filter, but that doesn't matter for something you are sending over the network (which is always O(N)).

> The server only has to send one bit back to the client!

As much as the example is a bad one because it leaks server-side info to an unauthenticated client, I've had scenarios where if you have > 3 ssh keys in your key-chain all ssh login attempts fail after 3 keys are tried & cause failures. I end up writing ~/.ssh/config entries; a lot of them for the client to remember which key to try first.

My favourite real-life bloom-filter story is the "unsafe URLs" list that is in Chrome - the "Safe Browsing Bloom" is a neat way to send out obscured information about the bad URLs without actually handing out a list to a user. The web URLs or domains which find a match in this, do need to be checked upstream, but it avoids having to check for every single request with a central service.

On a similar note, been playing with a variant of bloom filters at work called a Bloom-1 filter [1] which works much faster than a regular bloom filter which has a lot of random memory access for 1 bit reads.

[1] - https://github.com/prasanthj/bloomfilter/blob/master/core/sr...

> The "SSH keys" protocol in the article seems like an example of this. It doesn't make any sense. Why would the server send the client a Bloom filter if the client has already told it what key it wants to check? The server only has to send one bit back to the client! And if the goal is to not trust the server with the client's (public) key, this protocol doesn't accomplish that either.

There is a footnote on the sequence diagram that the key is not sent to the server on the initial request. Rather the client just does a simple GET. Since it's just sending a static file the client could cache the bloom filter.

+1 insightful and educational -- in more ways than one!

> "sort the hashes, and rice code the deltas"

Being quite sure that wasn't a racial slur, I looked it up:

> "Rice coding (invented by Robert F. Rice) denotes using a subset of the family of Golomb codes to produce a simpler (but possibly suboptimal) prefix code. Rice used this set of codes in an adaptive coding scheme; "Rice coding" can refer either to that adaptive scheme or to using that subset of Golomb codes." (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golomb_coding)

When I first heard of Bloom filters, I thought of the Bloom effect - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloom_(shader_effect) - and we used to call these things filters for a while - then friend of mine told me about the other meaning :)

I think the first thing any article about Bloom filters should mention is that they were invented by a guy named Burton Bloom. They don't have anything to do with "blooming" of any sort.

Very similar with Shellsort, which was designed by Donald Shell.

I always thought it was called shell sort because it invoked the image of a shell game and the pointer was like a shell covering the array element!!

Thanks for the edification!!!

I'm also always having to perform the manual translation in my head from shader effect when I read this term.

Some weeks ago someone posted a very useful interactive demo of a bloom filter (implemented in js) that you might want to play with after reading this article: https://www.jasondavies.com/bloomfilter/

How does a Bloom filter with k hash functions hashing to a shared table of m bits compare to just using k hash functions each hashing into its own separate hash table of m/k bits?

Having many filters is worse, but not hugely so. I believe the problem is reducible to the fact that you'll have many smaller filters thus the random distribution hurts you a bit more.

The key word to google is "blocked bloom filter" e.g. as proposed in http://algo2.iti.kit.edu/documents/cacheefficientbloomfilter...

Here's a nice paper with some improvements http://tfk.mit.edu/pdf/bloom.pdf

We use blocked bloom filters for a couple of reasons, but one major benefit is the memory locality (our "bloom filter" is 32GB or larger, so it's handy & fast to be able to address it with separate "pages" which are really just individual bloom filters.)

It leads to more false positives. Following the derivation from wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloom_filter), if we have a bloom filter with k hash functions, m bits, and contains n elements, the probability of a false positive is

(1 - (1 - 1/m)^(kn))^n ~ (1 - exp(-nk/m))^k

With your idea (let's call that Bloom Filter'), we have k hash tables with m/k bits each, so the probability of an element of one of the hash tables being 1 with n elements is 1 - (1 - k/m)^n, so the odds that 1 random position in each of the k hash sets is 1 (i.e. a false positive) is:

(1 - (1 - k/m)^n)^k ~ (1 - exp(-nm/k))^k

Which is very similar, we just switched k/m with m/k inside that exponential. So which has a lower false positive rate for m and k? We do some algebra, assuming that your Bloom Filter' has a lower false positive rate than the regular Bloom Filter, and try to get a contradiction:

(1 - exp(-nm/k))^k < (1 - exp(-nk/m))^k

1 - exp(-nm/k) < 1 - exp(-nk/m)

exp(-nk/m) < exp(-nm/k)

-nk/m < -nm/k

m/k < k/m

m^2 < k^2

m < k

This is a contradiction, because if we have fewer bits than hash functions, we'll wind up with hash tables of size 0. Thus, Bloom Filter' leads to a worse false positive rate than regular Bloom Filters.

P.S. I just did the math in the last 10 minutes, so there could be mistakes. This also only shows your system is less accurate if it has the same m and k as a regular bloom filter, but maybe your system becomes more accurate if using a different value of k. I'm checking that possibility now.

UPDATE: interesting. I tried to find the optimum value of k given n and m for bloom filter' (for regular bloom filters the optimum k = m / n log(2)). But for bloom filter' there is no local or global minimum, only a maximum at k = m (where everything is a false positive). For k < m the false positive value is decreasing, so the optimum under those constraints is k = 1. Which is the same as a regular bloom filter with just 1 hash. Thus, the bloom filter' will never outperform a regular bloom filter with optimal k. The false positive probability for bloom filter' for optimal k=1 is:

1 - (1 - 1/m)^n ~ 1 - exp(-n/m)

What you're suggesting sounds like a count min sketch, like a 2D bloom filter.

Can anyone tell me about a use case in game design?

That's an interesting question. I wonder if there's some potential application in collision detection.

If you have a large number of moving parties you could make bloom filters of the tiles they're going to move through and then compare them to cull pairs which will never share tiles along their paths perhaps?

This link[0] has an example; so basically almost anything in a game where it has to lookup massive amounts of data (e.g. logs), the example in the article is to quickly check if the user has already seen an item (in a game with thousands of items [e.g because those were pseudo-randomly generated, think RPGs]). But it's easy to think further applications: quickly check if the player already played this chess game before (all pieces where in the same position) to make sure the enemy does something smarter this time (because that time the enemy lost), and such.

[0] https://blog.demofox.org/2015/02/08/estimating-set-membershi...

That is not a good usecase for bloomfilters. With a bloomfilter you can tell if something has not been added/done. But you cannot tell if the opposite is true. In technical terms, false negatives are not possible, but false positives absolutely are, and should be expected. It can tell you: "This is not in the set", or "This is possibly in the set".

With that in mind, bloomfilters should be used for things where you are only interested to know if it is not in the set, or when you can tolerate a given false positive rate and size it accordingly.

For the first example will give false positives and be hostile to players that have not attacked. That might be okay, but not what you expect, and you might as well use probability for that. The second example I suppose you can use it to only try things you haven't tried before, but it seems weird.

That said, the link you provided is actually a good post about the topic, and include some good insight. It's not trying to hide that bloom filters are No or Maybe.

It's not clear to me that the added complexity aka risk of bugs is worth it in your case for any reasonable game design.

In the chess example, knowing it's possible to lose from X positions is almost meaningless most of the time. The issue is search space sizes are either to large to be useful or small enough for brute force.

You can always use it things that are not critical for the game to work; and a good coder would make it in a separate class/container so most possible bugs are isolated as well.

In the chess example the most importan thing its not for the machine to win (or lose); is so the user feels its not the same game they already played; or -dare I say- think that the enemy is "learning"

Even cellphones can run chess programs powerful enough to beat any human. The normal way to tone them down is to make them more random which prevents games from repeating in the first place. Making this a non issue.

Even ignoring that and assuming you wanted to do a lookup vs all games played with someone that's a tiny dataset so looking it up has no real downside.

This is a great application and something I can actually learn and use now. What a way to motivate learning :-)

Every month or so there is a new version of an article like this posted on hn

At this point I believe these articles are the result of people who got over their own confusion/misunderstanding by writing a new article on bloom filters. Eventually there will be a 1:1 ratio of bloom filter articles / developers.

So, bloom filters are the equivalent of Monads? https://byorgey.wordpress.com/2009/01/12/abstraction-intuiti...

They both seem like fairly easy concepts. I'm not sure why they get so much coverage.

"A monad is just a monoid in the category of endofunctors, what's the problem?"

Wait. Is this true? If so, that's cool. I know your comment was sarcastic, but as a grad student in math I've futzed with category theory enough that those words mean more to me than the raw Kleisli triple definition.

Yeah, it's absolutely right. And I think exploring that definition is actually the best way to learn what exactly a monad is.

The problem is that Haskell developers like to push monads as the solution to a problem most developers in other languages don't actually have, so discovering the problem that's being solved is the difficult bit.

Of course, this doesn't happen with other niche solutions because other niche solutions don't have an entire popular language which nearly-precisely encodes the problems monads are good at solving.

It seems you're talking about the IO monad specifically, not about monads in general. Other monads, like Maybe and List, absolutely occur in programs written by "most developers in other languages", whether they perceive them as monads or not.

For instance, a pointer type in C is like a "Maybe a" in Haskell, because a pointer can always be null (Nothing).

So how does knowing that Maybe is a monad solve a problem for anybody not programming Haskell?

I guess it helps in two ways.

First, if you realize you have a computation that can either return a value or a "special" value that means it failed, you can model this using a Maybe-like data structure.

Second, if in some part of your program you are already using a data structure that is isomorphic to Maybe, you might stand to gain from using the same interface used with the Maybe monad in Haskell (or any other monad), namely 'bind' and 'return', or similar forms.

I read a few of these articles a couple of years ago. Along with a few of the inevitable cuckoo hash filter rejoinders.

I think they are neat algorithms and I'm glad to have come across them. But that said, I have yet to find a problem in my day to day work which required set membership, with space at a premium, and where false positives were acceptable. So I've never used either in anger.

I use them at work as a cache during data ingestion phrase (analytics). I have to store a unique URL for each page the user is at, and each page generates a lot of requests. So I store the URLs inside a Bloom Filter, hitting the DB only when the contain() returns False. It's a neat little thing that saves me thousands of unnecessary database hits per second.

I have used them for text segmentation. It's an extremely quick way to test for membership on a set (30+ million tokens in my case) that would otherwise be too large to hold in main memory.

If you are bored with bloom and cuckoo filters then check out quotient filters. Quotienting was one of those mind blown things for me.

Thanks for the reading list! :-)

They're very useful in large scale web crawling/scraping. I use them for a number of things in this field.

Also in distributed brute-forcing of encryption standards.

you scoff but this is a very thorough presentation of a bloomfilter - very few of these sorts of articles actually cover the computation of the probability bounds.

Yeah, there have been a good number [1] and a steady stream of submissions about Bloom filters (and truly, the inevitable re-riff about Cuckoo filters), but this article is toward the higher end of the quality scale.

It's a bit odd that a data structure attracts this kind of attention, but not all of it is about self-discovery, and the fact that people feel writing about them belies the fact that they either consider it a novelty, or expect members of their intended audience to consider them as such. Hopefully with time, we will reach a saturation point where most people (including beginners) are familiar with Bloom filters because they've been formally taught or read one of these articles.

[1] https://hn.algolia.com/?query=bloom+filter&sort=byDate&type=...

I want to say it started a while ago because some hiring manager asked a question about how someone would do something but had the intended answer as a bloom filter. The interviewee turned to hacker news to vent about it and then it brought enough eyeballs to a somewhat fringe algorithm to self-sustain these types of articles.

The Wikipedia article on bloom filter is already pretty thorough and discusses the computation of the probability bounds as well as the optimal parameters: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloom_filter

Wasn't that more like 2011? I was thinking "oldie".

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