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Just to clarify, this is not MSR itself right. (I skimmed the article and it appears to be a new, separate endeavor)

Yes. MSR is a separate organization. AI + Research is a group that (notably) includes Bing and things that aren't as much "research".

>MSR is a separate organization.

That's putting it mildly. They're separate silos and rarely collaborate. Once research seems "meaty" enough it gets thrown over the wall.

I work at Microsoft and we have someone from MSR collaborating with my team daily. I am sure some researchers silo themselves and some engineering teams silo themselves, but I don't think its an accurate blanket statement.

This isn't true, at least for that part of the company. Bing has always had a close connection to a certain part of MSR (e.g. see Harry Shrum).

*Harry Shum

Oops, sorry about that. I'm not really used to that kind of romanization.

Interesting. In other romanizations the name has an "r"?

T&R includes MSR, but I think this is what they called NExT before, plus Bing.

MSR is a separate org, but inside AI+R.

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