This is incoherent. Why are childish comebacks better than actual responses? It also looks like the symbols are mixed up (e.g. #9 seems to be about legal issues, but the icon is for 'hackneyed'). Why isn't question #10 a way to explain why you're a good fit for that company rather than some other job? Why isn't #9 a chance to talk about leaving other positions on good terms? Why would someone take the pen in #8 (this is not rhetorical: if you have an actual answer, you can obviously take the pen and explain)? Why isn't #7 an opener for telling someone what kind of office environment you prefer, and why?
The questions in the post are all bad questions -- but the kind of person who would answer them like is an even worse employee.
#10 is only a useless question when your only criterium for a job is money. Assuming you're looking for something more in a job, it's not very strange for an interviewer to ask about that.
The questions in the post are all bad questions -- but the kind of person who would answer them like is an even worse employee.