I've started reading biographies lately out of a desire to study actual success outside of any theoretical ideas. The definition of success here is broader than just financial success. I'm looking for anyone who lead a particularly interesting, inspiring, or worthwhile life.
A few people who were influential to me:
Richard Branson
Dean Kamen
Richard Feynman
PG (our obvious common denominator)
Mr. Edwards: 6th grade science teacher, leader of the Sour Lake Elementary Model Rocket Club.
Uncle Todd: Showed me my first computer (Apple II), fed me with electronics, bought me my first decent soldering iron.
Professer Hahn: Had the patience to walk me through physics that was way over my head, because he believed I could do it and was so excited about it. We eventually co-published a paper.
Steve Koster: Web early-bird, ex-boss. Taught me stuff about design. Gave me the freedom to hack on cool stuff and get paid for it.
All of those people have done infinitely more to inspire me than anyone on your list. The difference? They're people that believed in me and acted on that.
Could I propose a new rule? No more fawning over Paul on this site. It's just kind of yucky.