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Alexa v. Statsaholic: Tim Oreilly weighs in - sympathetic to Alexa? (oreilly.com)
13 points by Sam_Odio on April 20, 2007 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Tim sold his soul to Bezos long time ago. Remember when he called for 1-click patent to be overturned? And then Bezos talked to him and Tim dropped the whole thing. And Bezos is now a permanent fixture at O'Reilly conferences.

And now this...

Tim has no credibility with me.

Why does he need credibility? Tim's post lays out his whole case. Agree with him or don't.

What he's saying is "Well, you'd be miffed too if you were in this situation." And okay, I might nod along trying to identify or understand -- to a limited degree. I'm just not convinced, especially with all of Amazon's moves of this nature. This lawsuit is just bad news any way you cut it.

This http://news.ycombinator.com/comments?id=15227 page says "12 points by Sam_Odio 11 hours ago | 3 comments" yet there are only two, before I post this one.

http://news.ycombinator.com/comments?id=15416 http://news.ycombinator.com/comments?id=15385

Does the root post count as a comment? Even if it does in the code, it would seem to confuse the reader.

I think the comment count counts spam comments, but you don't see said spam comments.

Looks like you could be right. That's a bug then, I guess. If it's any use to me knowing how many comments there are, it should be how many non-spam ones, ones that I can see.

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