The article mentions that even "homeless people promoting charity magazines" use cards, but I really wonder how the homeless population, or others who typically make money through cash such as buskers and street performers, fare in a cashless world. Having a credit card requires a bank account at the minimum, and generally being "plugged in" to the system, where disadvantaged people rarely are. Of course, Sweden's welfare state is far more developed than the US, but the overall global trend in this direction is troubling.
In Sweden there is a widespread system called Swish that lets you connect your mobile number to your bank account and people can send money to you via an app. I've seen buskers and street performers (as well and charity and church collections) ask for money that way.
In the US, unbanked people use prepaid debit cards. There are some disadvantages compared to a bank account, but you can deposit cash or checks into them (at a store), buy things online or at card-only retailers, and even get paychecks direct deposited. There's no easy way for a stranger to deposit money into them though.