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Resolving and Binding (craftinginterpreters.com)
79 points by tu7001 on Sept 11, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 12 comments

As someone with years of experience writing interpreters, this seems a rather sloppy solution to a straightforward problem. There are two canonical solutions, and he uses neither:

1. The first canonical solution, which the author even describes, is persistent environments. Unfortunately, this requires passing the current environment as part of the recursive pattern, which means heavily modifying the existing code. He doesn't do this because it would require revisiting too much.

2. The second canonical solution, which you would find in any modern compiler, is to uniquely rename all the variables. His "resolver" traversal has ample opportunity to do this, and would provide a far cleaner solution (with less space overhead than his expr/scope depth lookup table).

Instead, the author creates a stack of environments and annotates variables with information akin to de Bruijn indicies for scopes. Compared to the alternatives above, this is over-engineered and inelegent, plus it complicates reasoning about scopes far beyond what's necessary.

As an aside, this assertion is also completely absurd:

> Shadowing is rare and often an error so initializing a shadowing variable based on the value of the shadowed one seems unilkely [sic] to be deliberate.

> Unfortunately, this requires passing the current environment as part of the recursive pattern, which means heavily modifying the existing code. He doesn't do this because it would require revisiting too much.

Right. When I was first writing the code for this interpreter, I implemented it using persistent environments (basically the typical Scheme association list approach).

It worked, but it had some strikes against it:

1. The persistent approach is not right for global variables, which are dynamically bound. So I ended up needing two Environment classes, a Map-based one for the global scope, and then a persistent one for locals. That, of course, also requires an interface so that most code can work polymorphically with both types.

2. The Interpreter class and its visit methods are introduced several chapters before Environment. So all of those preceding visit() methods have to be redone to have the extra environment parameter passed along with passing it through some other methods.

Storing the current environment in a field helped, but the code for updating that field still looked grungy to me. With a book, every bit of extra boilerplate feels really heavy and I try to keep the code clean and simple.

3. It becomes really unclear why we want persistent local environments. Since we would have to introduce them well before the point in the book when closures can actually cause problems when not having them, it ended up feeling like the code was poorly motivated.

If I did persistent local scopes when locals are first introduced, there's no way to show them a sample program that would go back without having them — we don't have functions, function calls, or closures yet.

The current organization lets the reader go down a naive obvious-seeming path (and, better, one that reuses all the code we already need for global scopes) and then lets them viscerally experience the problem caused by thinking about blocks as a single scope. Then once they feel that pain, they get the solution.

There are some benefits to the current approach:

1. It gave me an opportunity to show an example of a semantic analysis, and adding another pass to a compiler. Those are generally useful techniques, and I think it's worth walking readers through one.

2. It lets the reader cover more ground. When we get to the second interpreter, it takes a different approach to local variables. Variables are resolved during parsing and stored directly on the interpreter's stack, and accessed by index. The block scopes are discarded and have no runtime representation.

I've tried to add other differences between the two interpreters too, just to reduce the amount of redundancy between them. For example, the Java one lexes the entire file to a list of tokens while the C one lexes on demand, driven by the parser. The Java one is an AST walker, the C one compiles to bytecode, etc.

Of course, if you are an experience language hacker, it means some stuff in the Java interpreter may seem weird because it's not the "normal" way to do things. (Though, for what it's worth, I have seen plenty of interpreters that do create hashtable-based environments for each lexical scope.)

I hope that seems reasonable. The way environments are represented in the Java interpreter was the most difficult design decision I made. I went back and forth on it a lot and I'm still not certain I made the right choice. But, ultimately, if the book is ever going to exist, I had to just pick and move forward.

> 2. The second canonical solution, which you would find in any modern compiler, is to uniquely rename all the variables. His "resolver" traversal has ample opportunity to do this, and would provide a far cleaner solution (with less space overhead than his expr/scope depth lookup table).

I considered having a problem exercise to do effectively that, but I felt like it might be reaching a little too far for a first-time language implementer.

    > As an aside, this assertion is also completely absurd:
    > > Shadowing is rare and often an error so initializing a shadowing
    > > variable based on the value of the shadowed one seems unilkely [sic]
    > > to be deliberate.
What is absurd about it? Did I not word this well? The point I was trying to get across is that code like this is not common:

    var a = "global";

    fun foo() {
      // Initialize a same-named local variable based on the global.
      var a = a;
I can't recall ever seeing code like this in the wild, and if I ever saw it in a code review, I would certainly tell the author to rename the local variable.

Given that, it seems reasonable to me to not take the approach of deferring putting the local in scope until after its initializer has run.

Note that the above (or equivalent) code is a compile error in Java and C#. In JavaScript, using "let", it's an error. In C, it accesses the uninitialized new variable (!).

Honest question, why have local scopes at all? IIRC, Lox is a dynamic object-oriented language.

Python has a flat scope per function, and closures aren't all that common in idiomatic Python code. Objects are much more common.

JavaScript also had a flat scope per function until ES6. On the other hand, closures are very idiomatic in JavaScript, and objects are a little weak.

Looking at the previous chapter [1], from someone familiar with OOP, the makeCounter and Point examples just seem to be awkward ways of writing classes, no?

Particularly for an educational language, why have two ways of doing the same thing?

[1] http://www.craftinginterpreters.com/functions.html

> Python has a flat scope per function, and closures aren't all that common in idiomatic Python code.

Closures are common in "idiomatic" Lox code. Or, at least, I want Lox to be a language that doesn't have pitfalls around using closures and local variables.

Because Lox is syntactically C-ish, I also think it's important that its scoping rules roughly follow C and friends.

> JavaScript also had a flat scope per function until ES6.

Right, which is evidence that not having local scopes was a mistake. Adding "let" was a very big deal and wouldn't have been done unless the semantics of "var" really were not what users wanted.

I talk a little more about function scope in the context of implicit declaration here:


> Looking at the previous chapter [1], from someone familiar with OOP, the makeCounter and Point examples just seem to be awkward ways of writing classes, no? > > Particularly for an educational language, why have two ways of doing the same thing?

I think it's possible to go too far down the rabbit hole when deciding two things are the "same". Since you can implement integers using functions [1] why have both numbers and functions? You can implement control flow using closures and dynamic dispatch, so why have "if" [2]?

The pragmatic answers are:

1. Users probably don't think of functions and classes as "the same" even though only one is required for Turing completeness.

2. Most interpreters do not implement one in terms of the other, so having both lets us show the implementation techniques that are unique to each.

[1]: https://wiki.haskell.org/Peano_numbers [2]: https://www.gnu.org/software/smalltalk/manual/html_node/Cond...

Are there any examples of the book of closures that couldn't be better written as classes? (Or perhaps you disagree about the Counter/Point examples.)

I'm not sure I agree about "let" being evidence of local scopes being necessary. I believe the primary problem with "var" is the "hoisting" behavior, i.e. roughly speaking code "later" can affect variable references now.

In Python this isn't as big of a deal, because you get an UnboundLocalError for code like this:

    x = 1
    def f(x):
      x = 2
So instead of a silent bug, you'll get a crash, which is easy to debug. In JavaScript I believe similar examples will lead to subtle bugs, which "let" fixes. Also in JS "x = 1" is global but "var x = 1" is local.


"let" also added local scopes, but I don't believe it proves that you needed them. Anecdotally, coming from C/C++ to Python, I've never missed local scopes, simply because I keep my functions small.

Mild tangent: Here is something I realized recently about the perennial large functions vs. small functions debate: It depends on whether you're a C programmer or not.

You can find some documents by John Carmack and Jon Blow arguing for large functions. That's because they are C programmers, and in C there is a very large cost to creating a function: reasoning about ownership/memory management (and the lack of ability to return non-primitives without out-params.) It's easier to keep things all in one function, especially if you're only calling the function in one place.

In Java, JavaScript, and Python, there is no such cost. Garbage collection takes care of it for you. You can return as big an object as you like. And indeed the idiomatic style in those languages is small functions.

So I claim that local scopes are much less necessary in Java, JavaScript, and Python. C doesn't have true functions, which makes local scopes quite useful.


I understand your point about going overboard making things the same (there was an old Paul Graham post pondering getting rid of integers in his defunct Lisp dialect ARC).

But I think it's a different story for classes and closures. There is obviously an efficiency problem with integers as functions, just like there is an efficiency problem in Haskell with strings being lists of characters. In engineering you obviously care about efficiency.

I know this is programming language heresy, but I honestly don't see a real need for closures if you have classes. (And if you have the Dart-like or Wren-like constructor initialization shortcuts for classes, which I plan to add to the language I'm designing.)

I'm sure I'm biased because I'm coming from C and Python, and neither really has closures. (Python didn't have the ability to mutate variables in an enclosing scope until the 'nonlocal' keyword was introduced several years ago -- and I've never seen it used in the wild.)

JavaScript is the only language I've really used with closures and I don't use it that often (and Scheme in college, but doesn't really count). I just looked through some JS code of mine, and I pretty much always have an explicit model of the page state and pass it explicitly using a dependency injection style. With closures, state is implicit. I don't like the fact that your outer function can have 8 locals but only 2 of them are captured, and you have to search up to see which ones they are.

There's one use of closures for an onclick handler, but I would solve that with __call__ in Python (C++ also has this as "functors", but Java doesn't).


I also asked a similar question about prototypes vs. classes here [1], which was a pretty good discussion.

I liked the Wren design because it's like JavaScript/Lua but with classes instead of prototypes.

And I liked your red function/green function post about async, which is another important use of closures. And there was a recent Ryan Dahl interview [2] where he admitted that the Go style was better for servers, and conceded the "callback pyramid" problem with closures.


So what's left for closures then? If one agrees that Counter/Point are naturally classes (which you might not), if you want to make an explicit model of state in GUI code (e.g. Elm advocates this strongly), and if you believe in the Go-style async is better, then what are some natural uses of closures? This is an honest question -- as I said I could be biased coming from languages that don't have them.

If closures just "fell out of" implementing classes, I would probably implement them in the language I'm designing. But this chapter shows that there are some non-trivial issues so I'd be inclined to leave them out.

My pet theory is that the industry learned how to use classes "correctly" around 2005 or so. From perhaps 1995 to 2005, you were more likely than not to encounter a mess. (Although Go might be late to the party [3].)

This is another contrarian opinion, but I actually think classes relate more strongly to functional programming than closures (though closures have more of a historical relation). Classes are more rigorous about state (random local vars aren't captured), and functional programming is also about being rigorous about state. I use classes but I think of it like functional-programming-in-the-large [4]. There is a false dichotomy between FP and OOP -- the modern styles of both are converging (explicit state params, dependency injection).

Sorry for the long post -- tl;dr I would like to see some examples of code in the book which are more natural for closures than classes :)

tl;dr #2 -- If you have a short syntax for initializing class members for constructor params, and if you have a way of bridging classes and functions, like __call__/operator(), -- then I claim you don't really need closures.

[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=14415431

[2] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=15140669

[3] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=14523728

[4] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11841893

> Are there any examples of the book of closures that couldn't be better written as classes?

The book itself doesn't really have a lot of "representative" Lox code since it's so focused on implementing the interpreters themselves. But certainly, in other languages with first-class functions, callbacks are very common and would be painfully cumbersome to do with classes. Note, for example, that Java has long supported anonymous inner classes, but still added lambdas later because the former were so annoying to use in many cases.

> Anecdotally, coming from C/C++ to Python, I've never missed local scopes, because I simply keep my functions small.

C and C++ have local scopes. Would you expect this to not have an error?

    main() {
      for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        // ...
      printf("%d\n", i); // <-- ?
> in C there is a very large cost to creating a function: reasoning about ownership/memory management (and the lack of ability to return non-primitives without out-params.)

There is also the overhead of the call itself. In the kind of performance-critical code often written in C/C++, that can matter too. Good compilers will inline when it makes sense, but those heuristics aren't perfect.

> I know this is programming language heresy, but I honestly don't see a real need for closures if you have classes.

You don't need them, but once you get used to them, they sure are handy. Implicitly closing over locals in the surrounding scope is a little magical, but it's a really convenient kind of magic than generally seems to help more than it harms.

All the world's Smalltalk, Scheme, C#, Ruby, Dart, Scala, Swift, JavaScript, Kotlin etc. programmers probably aren't wrong in liking them. (Although, as a language designer, it's of course fun and potentially rewarding to deliberately try to get off the beaten path.)

> if you believe in the Go-style async is better, then what are some natural uses of closures? This is an honest question -- as I said I could be biased coming from languages that don't have them.

The bread and butter use cases I see are:

1. Modifying collections. map(), filter(), etc. are so much clearer and more declarative than imperatively transforming a collection.

2. Callbacks for event handlers or the command pattern. (If you're using a framework that isn't event based, this may not come up much.)

3. Wrapping up a bundle of code so that you can defer it, conditionally, execute it, execute it in a certain context, or do stuff before and after it. Python's context stuff handles much of this for you, but then that's another language feature you have to explicitly add.

OK thanks for the answer.

I totally agree with first class functions, and I probably agree with the Python-style ability to read outer variables (especially in the case that the inner call doesn't survive longer than the outer call).

What I don't agree with is capturing locals to rebind them -- this is the explicit vs. implicit state argument.

So for #1 map/filter, I don't really see this as a use case for closures. It's more about function literals and first-class functions.

#2 I am on the fence about... I would be interested in examples. Like I said, with my somewhat limited JS experience, I understand why people like them, but I think you can do OK without mutating the surrounding scope. There's a distinction between calling a mutating method on an object in the surrounding scope, and actually rebinding something in the surrounding scope.

#3 might be convincing although I would need examples. The Go-style defer is scope-based which seems more limited than general closures. Python's context managers are sort of a syntactic sugar/protocol around using certain kinds of classes -- much in the same way that iterators are.

The other problem with closures it's not really one language feature -- they're different across languages. There is more than one issue with capture like the one with loops you mentioned in another comment. And, C++ now has closures, but there are a few different options with regard to LValues and RValues that I don't remember at the moment. It doesn't feel that solid to me, but I'll continue to play with it, and this chapter and some of the comments will certainly help.

On the one hand, it seems like a ton of code has been written in C++, Java, and Python without closures. On the other hand, C++ and Java both added some closure-like features in the last decade, and Python added nonlocal, so that's probably a trend. (But like I said I've never actually seen anyone use nonlocal, it feels like something done "for completeness" rather than based on actual usage.)

> I can't recall ever seeing code like this in the wild, and if I ever saw it in a code review, I would certainly tell the author to rename the local variable.

This is somewhat common in Go, specially when capturing a for-loop-scoped variable in a closure. It's even recommended in the official FAQ [1].

1. https://golang.org/doc/faq#closures_and_goroutines


That's because Go chose to reuse the loop variable in each iteration instead of binding a fresh one each time.

C# figure out that was a mistake years ago and fixed it in 5.0 [1]. Dart has always bound a new variable in each iteration. I don't know why Go made the choice they did.

[1]: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/ericlippert/2009/11/12/clos...

> 1. The persistent approach is not right for global variables, which are dynamically bound. So I ended up needing two Environment classes, a Map-based one for the global scope, and then a persistent one for locals. That, of course, also requires an interface so that most code can work polymorphically with both types.

Can you give an example of what you mean?

"Global variables" are simply variables declared at a top-level scope. They don't need to be "dynamically bound" if you unravel the top-level into a sequences of statements that thread their environment (which is a bog-standard practice for interpreters, and how you should handle blocks, too), unless you'd like to be able to reference variables declared below you in the global scope. And that can be resolved by passing a dynamic environment in addition to the lexical one. Or by making a single pass over the global space, grabbing all the declared names, and making that your initial lexical environment. But, of course, this is all speculation without an example.

> I considered having a problem exercise to do effectively that, but I felt like it might be reaching a little too far for a first-time language implementer.

Uniquely renaming variables is, in my opinion, a far simpler concept to grasp than nesting scope resolution. It would also be far easier to implement, with notably less code change, and continue to allow you to add another compiler pass and allow the reader to cover ground. The actual downside is that it achieves your goal without needing to explain the whole mess, which means the chapter doesn't get to spend time explaining how to think about resolving variables.

> code like this is not common:

Your toy example is, obviously, a situation where you should reconsider what you're doing. However, a program such as

    lookup :: Env -> Ear -> Value
    lookup = ...

    f :: Env -> Expr -> Expr
    f env exp =
      let lookup = lookup env
      in ...
is a fairly common pattern in automatically curried languages, or languages with functional-style loops (see [0] for such a usage of shadowing). I don't think that your stance is wrong, but I think decrying other stances isn't particularly fair to the language design world, where there are many languages where such shadowing is neither rare nor often an error. Of course, there is some play here insofar as treating function declarations differently from other variables, which is not the case in many languages where this behavior is accepted.

Also, for what it's worth, translating the above code to JavaScript yields a stack overflow error if you invoke lookup inside of `f`.

0. https://github.com/cisco/ChezScheme/blob/06f858f9a505b9d6fb6...

> unless you'd like to be able to reference variables declared below you in the global scope.

It's this part. Unlike ML which uses Queinnec calls a "hyperstatic" top level environment, Lox follows Scheme where the top level environment is dynamic. This gives you a nice way to support mutual recursion at the top level.

> Or by making a single pass over the global space

That works when running from a file, but not in a REPL session. Lox also supports REPL sessions like:

    > fun foo() { return bar; }
    > foo();
    Undefined variable 'bar'.
    [line 1] in foo()
    [line 1] in script
    > var bar = "ok";
    > print foo();
> And that can be resolved by passing a dynamic environment in addition to the lexical one.

True, that would avoid the need for a single polymorphic environment type, but it's again still more code complexity.

> is a fairly common pattern in automatically curried languages, or languages with functional-style loops (see [0] for such a usage of shadowing).

Interesting, I wasn't aware of that. I can reword it by saying something more like "shadowing is usually in error in imperative languages".


I like that the author ran out of steam for whimsical allegory & contrived examples after a page or two, and the rest of the chapter reads very tightly & well.

Also nice to see another explanation of lexical scoping, to complement my understanding of perl's pads[0].

0: http://hop.perl.plover.com/book/pdf/03CachingAndMemoization.... pp65-80

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