Subscription model businesses are actually pretty good businesses if you can service a genuine recurring need with a genuinely good product at a reasonable price point.
I order diapers for my kid on a subscription. As a consumer it works great for me since I didn't have any upfront one time cost like $700.
The problem I see with Juicero and its investors is that the machine is not unique, it is redundant, the investors were clearly blinded by the founder's pedigree to overlook the simple clear fact that the machine was not needed and the founder was delusional to think the machine was needed.
I order diapers for my kid on a subscription. As a consumer it works great for me since I didn't have any upfront one time cost like $700.
The problem I see with Juicero and its investors is that the machine is not unique, it is redundant, the investors were clearly blinded by the founder's pedigree to overlook the simple clear fact that the machine was not needed and the founder was delusional to think the machine was needed.