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And ActiveX worked fine with Internet Explorer on Windows. We look back and consider that a bad thing for the web, how is this different?

Session history management APIs are a W3C standard supported by all major browsers. This is nothing like activex.

There no compatibility info on MDN[0] for mobile devices?

[0] https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/History_API...

Uh, because it's an open standard rather than a proprietary one?

And we are standardizing the benefits activex could give us. So no need for it anymore ;)


edit: I can see it. Next iteration you will need a AMP key to publish your content and clients will need AMP key to consume content! Browsers that don't include the key will be excluded from the ampweb.

I am waiting for the joy of using an open standard (WebAssembly) to deliver us back the joys of Flash, Java and Silverlight plugins.

ActiveX meant downloading and running arbitrary binary native code. This is about supporting a small-scope standardized JS API.

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