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Do I need privacy policy or TOC for Landing page?
1 point by drcnyu on Aug 21, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

Generally you might need a Privacy Policy as you may be collecting personal data through the landing page: email address, first and last name, and so on. The Privacy Policy is required by law [1].

However, depending on your type of landing page you might not need the policy:

- If the page is just a click-through page (i.e. the user would click through to reach another part of your website), you don't collect data from users directly. - If the page is a lead generation page, then you're most likely collecting data from users directly (i.e. web forms) and you'll need the policy.

Keep in mind that regardless of the landing page if you use analytics tools (like Google Analytics) or you have the remarketing code added (Google Analytics remarketing, Facebook pixel etc.) you'll need the policy.

The Terms & Conditions is not usually required by law but it's useful to add it when users are submitting personal data to you.

Look at the "clickwrap" implementation methods as well.

[1] We have a presentation on this requirement here: https://www.slideshare.net/termsfeed/privacy-policies-are-ma...

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