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Stars wars on telnet! Yes. (blinkenlights.nl)
9 points by kashif on March 29, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

This is so extremely old and unworthy of Hacker News.

We need a down arrow.

I'm not sure this would be worthy of Hacker News if it was new. Digg sure... But not Hacker News.

I don,t see how when something was published decides whether it is relevant?

You get a down arrow once you get enough karma. You know, so people don't abuse the ability to down vote.

Only for comments. Submissions themselves cannot be downmodded.

when they're this old, they should be auto-downmodded. the article is 7 years old, and I'm pretty sure blinkenlights.nl is older than that.

relevancy should be a light weight factor in any automated filter script.

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