I don't see the point of including my previous salaries in my resume.
What I earned 5 years ago, does not represent my value in sector today, even if it's for the same skillset.
It's the companies job to post how much are they willing to pay in today's values.
Developers are not commodities, being a good developer requires study and hard work to keep up to date. Good developers should be rewarded for that.
I can't even remember the wasted time me and companies did only to halt all negotiations because of the salary range or other details that could've been disclosed right form the start.
That's a bit of an overstatement, at least in the US. Most employees don't work for a public entity and therefore their salaries and ranges are not in any way public record. I would say I could find the salary info of zero of my friends, family, and coworkers in the public record.
That said, public-sector positions often do state ranges (In the USA, anyway).