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Rezoom.SQL: Statically typed SQL for F# (github.com/rspeele)
138 points by Bognar on July 31, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 20 comments

This is really cool. Yet another example of how Type Providers are such a game-changer for people.

Relevant for folks:

FSharp.Data: http://fsharp.github.io/FSharp.Data/

SqlProvider: http://fsprojects.github.io/SQLProvider/

FSharp.Data.SqlClient: http://fsprojects.github.io/FSharp.Data.SqlClient/

Azure Storage Type Provider: https://github.com/fsprojects/AzureStorageTypeProvider

> Yet another example of how Type Providers are such a game-changer for people.

I’ve seen this statement twice on HN over the past few days, so I’m getting curious about F#. I would like to understand, however, exactly how type providers change the game.

“An F# type provider is a component that provides types, properties, and methods for use in your program.”[1]

Is there an essential difference between an F# type provider and a Haskell module (which also exports types, properties and methods)?

[1] https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/fsharp/tutorials/typ...

F# is based on OCaml, so it has modules similar to Haskell modules independent of Type Providers.

F# Type Providers work in the background _while developing_ to provide types to your solution. In one sense they're just a lifecycle hook to generate code: they create .Net Types and then expose those types to your development environment (ie provide/export).

In practice this means you can give some JSON to a Type Provider, it will create types that match that JSON, and then those types are made available while developing so you get live intellisense and code completion based on the content and its structure through strongly typed .Net objects.

Alternatively, if you're creating some kind of DSL: a custom type provider will allow you to translate your data files into code objects that can then be used for strongly typed interactive scripting. Say, opening CAD files and publishing them to different repos depending on number of objects, auther, etc.

The readme for the project linked in this thread shows them in action :)

Type Providers give huge comfort to working with strange data by seeing all the fields immediately and interactively exploring the data schema. It's also veerrrryyyy cool to write scripts and apps that will simply refuse to compile if their assumptions about their data sources aren't met if you're dealing with third party data, or chaotic production environments, or sloppy cowboy co-workers like myself ;)

You ever been working with a JSON response, a CSV file, or a SQL query and you're just flipping between the data and your text editor, mapping each field into your model type? Type Providers automate that mapping so that you can "teach" your code the structure of that data and work with it without having to write the boilerplate.

I've never used F#, so I might get this completely wrong, but I think they are a practical form of dependently typed programming: a type provider builds new types that depend on values in your program. If you have some sort of schema for data, a type provider could parse it and build appropriate types to hold data that conforms to the schema. A type provider for a database, say, could take a string that specifies a database connection, connect to the database, and then query it to figure out what sorts of tables it holds and then construct F# types capable of holding a record from one of the tables.

SqlProgrammabilityProvider of http://fsprojects.github.io/FSharp.Data.SqlClient/ basically does just that. I usually prefer the SqlCommandProvider part of this project, as the actual queries are transparent in your F# code.

A short article about type providers in F#: https://medium.com/@maximcus/magic-of-f-type-providers-225b1...

Thank you for this! I think SQL is a great language, and I've always wanted to write straight SQL with compiler guarantees, as projects like Esqueleto almost let me do.

For rapid prototyping, I think ORMs are still the best solution. However, their benefits start to diminish when scaling the team and product start becoming priorities. Working /with/ the database becomes a lot more fruitful than trying to wrangle it to your format. After all, web applications are just database skins.

> ...I've always wanted to write straight SQL with compiler guarantees...

SQL Server Data Tools does this exceedingly well. It's a Microsoft-built addon to Visual Studio.

Catching errors during compilation of SQL files is certainly very helpful! They also provide a very nice diff tool where you can diff between your project SQL files and a given server/database or between 2 different projects or 2 different databases... It also has a nice data-diff tool. (All for SQL Server only of course.)

This tool helped me very much to replace heavy ORMs (such as EntityFramework and so on) with just Dapper and a bunch of query procedures that are kept in the database itself (known as Stored Procedures in SQL Server). More detail on my setup in this comment - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=14852425

One of the things I was really excited about with the Drizzle MySQL fork a long time ago was how they were planning to make the server side SQL language supported through plugins. Being able to use the same language on the front-end and for stored procedures would be really nice. For me, that's Perl, but for a lot of people it's probably Python, Ruby, Java or some JVM, derivative, etc. To be sure, there are downsides (not the least of which is making it easier to load a lot of logic on the SQL server which may be much harder to scale if you aren't careful), but it would also make it much easier to do some complex SQL operations.

LOL at how a chunk of the comments ended up being the author or this and an author of Diesel for Rust discussing cool capabilities of Diesel.

Personally, I prefer my ORM/query builders to be more structures and adhere to the parent language more, with sane escape hatches for small bits of raw SQL as needed. This does look like it would be cool for a project that took the inline SQL or SQL phrasebook approach that wants to add a bit of structure, as it might be easier to put this in place over that?

This might be a dream come true for me. That Visual Studio integration is awesome - I did not know about F# Type Providers but I'm clearly overdue to learn about them.

Hi, I am the author of this project.

The choice to typecheck a SQL dialect directly instead of using an embedded DSL like LINQ is uncommon enough that it gets the majority of the focus in my own documentation. However, it wasn't what motivated me to create the project.

I wanted to have an ORM that could take full advantage of my resumption monad library, Rezoom. This library is similar in concept to Facebook's Haxl or Dataloader, in that it can combine independent requests into batches and cache ones that have already been resolved.

The main difference (besides being F#) is that it is intended to be used for mutations, not just queries. This is a bit tricky because when you mutate the stuff in the database, that may invalidate the cached results of previous queries. The problem isn't too bad since, as with Haxl and Dataloader, the cache is per-request so it's very short lived, but it could still cause problems. Contrived example:

  // domain layer line item logic, includes business rules
  // returns the updated invoice
  let addLineItem invoiceId lineItem =
    plan {
      // query for the invoice
      let! invoice = DB.getInvoiceById invoiceId
      if invoice.IsSent then
        failwith "Can't edit this invoice because it has been sent"
      // run INSERT/UPDATE statement(s)
      do! DB.addInvoiceLineItem invoiceId lineItem
      // re-query for the invoice to get its current state
      return! DB.getInvoiceById invoiceId
`DB.addInvoiceLineItem` needs to invalidate the cached result of `DB.getInvoiceById`. Otherwise this code won't return the updated invoice, but the invoice before updating. Again, contrived example, but when the "reload the invoice" line is in a whole other function somewhere else it could be a real problem.

The way Rezoom solves this is to have "errands" (its word for a batchable data dependency) specify 2 128-bit masks. One represents its dependencies, the other represents its invalidations. When you run a command with a non-zero invalidation mask, all the cached results whose dependency bits overlap with the invalidation bits get evicted.

The caches are local to a "category" which is pretty much just a tag for which library created the errand, so that the errands wrapping, say, a web API don't stomp on the caches for the errands talking to a SQL database (actually the connection string is involved too so you can deal with multiple databases from one app). For the errands generated by Rezoom.SQL, each bit in the mask represents one table, so running an UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE invalidates the cache for all commands that read from the affected tables. If you have more than 128 tables in your database the IDs wrap around so you'll get some false invalidations possibly hurting performance, but never a false cached result hurting correctness.

This all could make it very easy to write a GraphQL server backed by Rezoom + Rezoom.SQL.

This is super awesome. Unfortunately in my company I haven't converted the mindset fully to F#, so I'm wondering, is there a good way to use this in C# somehow?

You can create an F# library which references the Rezoom.SQL.Provider NuGet package, defines your migrations and all your queries (`type MyQueryExample = SQL<"select whatever">`), and not really write any F# code. Because this project is a generative type provider, it makes real .NET types you can then reference from C# or VB.NET or whatever.

If your goal is just to run queries, either synchronously or as `Task<T>`s, that'll do just fine. If you want the batching/caching stuff I described above, you'll want to build `Plan`s, which currently requires an F# computation expression.

However, in C# 7 I think it's possible to write plans with `async/await` syntax. I just need to write the AsyncMethodBuilder to support it. I've done it for F# asyncs here: https://github.com/rspeele/FSharpAsyncMethodBuilder

This would let you get the full batching/caching/transactional benefits of Rezoom even when writing a project that's 90% C#.

Yes, server-side .NET GraphQL does seem to be a missing piece right now!

That's really impressive. Seriously.

I think type providers are a really fantastic feature. I just wish that I had more cause to write f#.

How production ready this is and how could you compare this to SqlClient (addition to wider DB support)? Is there any possibilities to compose queries?

I am currently with SqlProvider but raw SQL would be interesting option =)

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