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I have often wondered if it is sexism or women getting used to how men treat each other.

Currently, I am a data scientist, but prior to that I was an air traffic controller (ATC). ATC training was brutal. You come in at 0530 for work/training, and you better be ready for a simulator first thing in the morning. Make a mistake get ready to be berated in front of everyone, and be scheduled to work the weekend. If you did well, you got to control real planes that day and you better perform exceptional while answering your trainers questions or forget controlling tomorrow. Questions would include, what is the separation between a heavy and small on final inside the approach gate? What is the radial and DME for xxxx point? What ABQ center's frequency?

We treated everyone the same - men and women. Women would often cry, yet they understood they weren't being treated differently from their male counterparts as every trainee was treated as s*. We had a 20% success rate with roughly 2 years of training. When you became a certified controller, it was a big deal and for males, every controller in the facility would punch the metal ATC badge into your chest the day of your final rating- it was a rite of passage.

Men treat each other differently and test each other differently, women are just learning this it seems.

I wonder what % of the people who "failed" would have made excellent air traffic controllers?

None of them would have. It is a stressful job. We created simulated stressful environment and they couldn't handle it. We weren't going to spare their feelings and risk other people's lives.

That point-of-view is so important IMO.

Because of the job environment, as an employee you UNDERSTAND the CONTEXT and INTENT behind the working conditions.

This logic applies to life and all social interactions. Assume innocence, positivity and optimism in the INTENT behind the words of strangers - until they give you a reason to think otherwise.

To anyone who disagrees: If you do not subscribe to this ideal, then what are you advocating as an alternative? Everyone be extremely PC and hyper-aware of everything they say and the indefinite amount of ways their words can be interpreted? it makes just no sense.

Crying foul, fighting to get what you "want" in the moment, rather then what is true and just - I'm just tired of it all, burnt out by the lack of rationality in these sorts of discussions.

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