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Not really, actually. I took a quick glance at their homepage during research. But seeing that they're commercial, not a free project, and requiring sign ups and upgrades for most things, I wasn't really interested in exploring this further.

By the way, I thought that they would mostly do terms for social integrations, such as Facebook like buttons, widgets, etc. This is the thing that got the least focus with the project that I did. So I didn't realize they have 600 modules (whatever they are and do, exactly), as you say.

It was cheap enough and comprehensive enough that I’ve used it in the past without even thinking twice. Far cheaper than a lawyer, and if it’s <$100/yr that counts effectively as free for any real business.

I want it to be something that I pay for – I’d expect quality, updates as laws change, support if anything goes wrong, ideally some kind of risk sharing, etc.

Can understand that reasoning, and often do the same. Though it's important to keep in mind that quality is not something that can only be achieved by paying any random party some amount of money.

Developing and drafting things in the open can produce the same level or even higher levels of quality.

Since the project is not a commercial product, though, I don't care what solution you use :)

Ye there are all sorts of modules. There is also a free version, while the paid one is $27/yr.

The price was not really what prevented me from using it. I just had different use cases and an open model in mind.

What was the use case exactly? The readme doesn't go into much detail about this aspect

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