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By default, our charts are images for cross-browser compatibility and speed, but we can produce SVG too (not VML at the moment).

I'd recommend SVG+VML...making an image chart startup may be a little like going into the horse-and-buggy industry just as the Model T is coming out.

Ha! I'm aware of that. However, I think the format of the graph output is not the most important/unsolved/annoying problem in making graphs from my users' perspective. The key difference here between our product and the other libraries and apps mentioned in this thread is that we are primarily building an end-user application, not just a library for developers to use (although our API will also allow that).

I may be proven wrong and have to move to SVG/VML, but only time will tell. For now our focus is to build the best tool to put any kind of data in and get pretty graphs out.

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