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> It seems like if you're so tired while you're at work that you actually want to take a nap, then maybe there is another underlying problem.

There is: tiredness. Often, but not always, due to lack of sleep. A nap is the solution.

If you need 8 glasses of water a day to be at peak-performance but for whatever reason only manage to drink 7 in the morning, why not have that final glass sometime during the day? Same with sleep.

In fact it's absurd to think everybody can store energy upfront and power through 9 hours of activity without falling off towards the end.

Naps are natural.

But it's not normal for adults to sleep so badly that you need naps during the day, apart from having very young kids. So other than that I'd say there may well be an underlying problem.

If you could help me and 25% of everyone [1] figure out that underlying problem, we would be super grateful!

[1] http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/humanbody/sleep/articles/sleepd...

I was going to argue that that article itself lists a number of underlying problems and what can be done about them, but that number is much higher than I expected and clearly there are many people who just don't sleep well during the night.

Consider my opinion changed.

Or perhaps not, considering there are cultures where a noon or early-afternoon nap is not particularly out of the ordinary. No one's really talking here, in any case, of needing a daytime nap, but rather of finding one beneficial to productivity.

Wow, really? Not only does daytime napping improve health even if you are already healthy adult who gets adequate sleep, there's ample evidence our (pre-working in an office for 10 hours straight) ancestors did so regularly, which persists in many cultures to this day.

I suggest you recalibrate your definition of "normal".

Offices are much less natural than afternoon naps.

Yes, work is not "natural", but we have to sit and do it every day because that's the way it is. So the problem here is to find tricks to keep being productive all day long, and naps are one of them.

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