And this with typically restrictive data quotas in southern Europe, and no data caps in the north.
I.e. the new EU regulation punishes competitive markets severely. But yes, it might help the economy of southern EU countries by making it attractive for them to acquire operators from north, get rid of competition and start the same level of extraction they do on their own population.
Million tourist visits per million population:
(I quoted above Italy, which does not have that high visitor/pop ratio, but you get the idea.)And about current competitiveness of operators, World Bank data at
Percentage of income going to operate a mobile phone:
And this with typically restrictive data quotas in southern Europe, and no data caps in the north.I.e. the new EU regulation punishes competitive markets severely. But yes, it might help the economy of southern EU countries by making it attractive for them to acquire operators from north, get rid of competition and start the same level of extraction they do on their own population.