Have you considered adding the ability to use dithering on this site? I made a similar tool a while back (to convert an image to an arbitrary color palette), and one of the main things I learned was how powerful dithering can be.
For example, here are two images I created using my old tool to convert an image to the C64 color palette. Unlike the website, my tool isn't currently capable of doing the double-wide horizontal pixels, but it still illustrates the effect I think:
What a great idea! I would love to see a "save AS disk" option that would let you download a D64 disk image containing the rendered graphics in some appropriate format like KoalaPainter or Amica Paint.
There are some good cross-dev C64 graphics editors out there on the PC - I think most of them will let you import pictures, convert them, then save as PRG (etc) executables you can run on a real C64.
Would love to try this but limiting the upload to drag and drop makes it hard for me. Not everyone uses Windows or Mac you know. Is there any way to upload stuff to these without having graphical file manager?
Not the problem here. A file input control would do the same job and be usable on mobile devices; this isn't "web apps lol", it's a straightforward UI design error.
The c64's bitmap mode could either be 320x200 with color allocated in an 8x8 grid, much like the Speccy, or 160*200 with three selectable colors per 3x8 block, plus one background color shared across the whole screen.
It did, however, also have sprites, which could float over or under the main screen.
(If you're willing to dedicate pretty much all of the CPU time to flipping stuff around while the video chip is rendering the screen, you can have finer-grained color selections on the c64, but that's mostly the domain of demos.)
here is the same concept, but i use vegetables instead of the c64 color palette http://veganizer.veganblatt.com/ never bother to publish or promote it somewhere, should work on mobile, creates huge images.
The "C64ication" (if that's what you mean by conversion) actually happens purely in JavaScript - if I understand the source correctly, the image is only _resized_ on the server.. but the whole shebang can be done client-side.
Yep. Would be awesome if the author(s) released this as a MIT licensed JS lib. Would love to use and credit it myself! :-)
For example, here are two images I created using my old tool to convert an image to the C64 color palette. Unlike the website, my tool isn't currently capable of doing the double-wide horizontal pixels, but it still illustrates the effect I think:
Without dithering: http://imgur.com/nQL0y6i With dithering: http://imgur.com/jfwUgnC
If you're interested, Wikipedia has a great example (with code) of the Floyd-Steinberg dithering algorithm, for example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floyd%E2%80%93Steinberg_dither..., which I imagine wouldn't be too hard to integrate into your site.