The career of Jim Sinegal largely proves you wrong.
As does the career of Tim Cook. Before he was CEO, he was managing Apple's global supply chain. Which involved a lot of on-site visits.
Try to explain how both of these people could have been just as successful while locked in a cubicle, and digesting reports from underlings.
If you believe that, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. Cheap. Just read the remote reports, and spend the money without ever visiting the bridge.
As does the career of Tim Cook. Before he was CEO, he was managing Apple's global supply chain. Which involved a lot of on-site visits.
Try to explain how both of these people could have been just as successful while locked in a cubicle, and digesting reports from underlings.
If you believe that, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. Cheap. Just read the remote reports, and spend the money without ever visiting the bridge.