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On a technical point, I was impressed by their CoreML model format. The specification is open, optimized for maximum transferability, it can convert models from Keras (with TensorFlow), scikit-learn and others, and their Python model converter is also open source: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/coremltools

Once you have your model as a CoreML file, it is stupidly simple to incorporate it into an app (the live demo with the flower model was very impressive), and Xcode will convert it to a machine-optimized version.

I was skeptical when I saw the announcement, but honestly it seems like a game changer -- to be able to drag-and-drop models that other people have trained into an app and use them with virtually zero boilerplate is just great.

Video here: https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2017/703/

Apparently you can only view that video in Safari or the wwdc app. That's awful.

I believe it's a HLS video. If you're on Windows, Edge has support for HLS. Otherwise, you'll have to resort to using a media player.

I'm in Firefox on Android.

There's a Chrome extension that allows you to see the videos: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/wwdchrome/lohmkcog...

Apple's streams are playable by mpv, mplayer2, VLC, and any ffmpeg-based player. You don't need Safari, just a player that supports HLS.

I'm in Firefox on Android. That I can't play a streaming video is ridiculous.

In what sense? caffe2 has been able to run models trained elsewhere for a long time already. Do you mean it in the sense that the mobile platform has a standard that will rally a larger community behind common models?

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