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Anyone up to a Hacker News meeting in San Francisco in April?
30 points by abarrera on March 24, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 38 comments
Hi everyone! I'm flying to SF from April 7th to the 17th of April. It would be great if we could setup some kind of informal meeting someday between those dates and have some pizza, beers and good chats/ideas exchanges/etc. Someone likes the idea and is willing to meet and have fun?

Send me a Twit (http://twitter.com/abarrera) if interested or email me at: abarrera AT neurosecurity DOT com

Hope seeing some of you guys there!

We're planning on having a Private Beta launch party in April at our office (with a keg of free beer) in SF especially for Hacker News fans. Any suggestions on the best date will be appreciated :) (Would the 16th of april work for people coming to the startup school?)

How about Saturday night the 19th (after Startup school) in SF?. Our office (with wifi and a large conference room) @ 240 2nd street can hold about 35-40 comfortably.

I'd be all for that. Hoping to go to startup school and was hoping to find something to do that night. Bonus points if I can just stay up all night and put off sleep until the plane flight home the next day.

Logistically, sounds like a great idea to me.

Problem is I'll probably won't be until the 19th :( But anyhow I can meet some people on the 16th and then you can organize the official meet up on the 19th.

I wished I could extend my dates but it's going to be very difficult.

Ok so based on all comments there are some persons that will be around for the April 19th meeting and others that wont get to go to the Startup School and won't mind meeting the 16th.

For April 19th, gibsonf1 offers his office @ 240 2nd street

For April 16th any takers? Our friends from SF have an idea where we can hang up and have fun?

As dbreunig suggests we can meet at the Blue Bottle next to SOMA for the April 16th meetup. It's on 66 Mint St at SF. Here is a link to the place: http://tinyurl.com/2tvxa7

Here is a link for Fred's office on 2nd street: http://tinyurl.com/38lkfc

Both places are pretty close so Fred, maybe you can come to the the first meetup and give us a sneak peak at your beta ;)

Thanks again to dbreunig we'll try going to the Delacy Street Restaurant (http://tinyurl.com/2pwa7f). It's bigger and we can setup a good after work schedule, something around 5:30pm-7:30pm and we can even have dinner there if we want to stay longer.

As usual, comments are welcomed. I don't mind the time but I'm sure some people do so please leave a comment suggesting a time.

I want to repeat that this venue is for the April 16th meeting at San Francisco. For the one on the 19th see comments above.

Blue Bottle has very good coffee, but it's a relatively small place, and there isn't that much seating room (plus it's often busy). If more than 5 people come, it might be a tight squeeze...

Thanks for the tip neilc. I've never been there so I can't say. Any other places that might be a little bigger?

Anyone up to start a likemind.us Coffee Friday for the Hacker News set? I could use a break from advertising talk, personally. http://twitter.com/dbreunig

Me and my business partner are planning to go to Startup School on the 19th (if we get in). If our travel dates sync up we'll try to meet you out there.

Anyone else going to be in the area?

+ 1 vote for making this happen the weekend of Startup School (especially for those of us who would be flying in to the Bay Area)

+1 vote from me too for the 19th -- Anyone here flying from San Diego?

how about this gets done monthly? I'm going to be in SF May 1-8.. I'm at http://twitter.com/Stammy

We'd be up for hosting a monthly meetup.

Any early risers are welcome to join us at the Bootstrapper Breakfast Fri April 4 in Palo Alto or Tue April 15 in Sunnyvale. 7:30-9am everyone buys their own breakfast and we meet in a back room. Details at http://www.boostrapperbreakfast.com

That's great! I'll probably go to the one on April 15th :D Thanks for sharing! I hope it's easy to get there because I'll have to commute from Berkeley as I have no car :(

Btw, the url is wrong, the correct one is: http://www.bootstrappersbreakfast.com

For me it's ok with the 16th. It might be the best date so that people going to the Startup School can get on board.

I'm afraid that the app form for the Startup school is closed already so can't stay even if I wanted :(

Anyway, I'm sure we'll have plenty of cool conversations the 16th :D

Missed it here to. Can't believe it, I was hacking all night...

Anyway, 16th? Great, I'm there.

Live and work in San Francisco, HN meetup sounds like fun. Happy to help with local logistics too, jbyers at gmail.

I live and work in SF as well. Would be glad to help out with a meetup in April.

I'd help out too if it's needed.

I'm in if I get in to SuS; I suggest a meet somewhere with lots of whiteboards :)

I'd be interested in attending too, though I vote for "sometime after the 17th of April." How will we know where and when to meet up?

I'll be in Palo Alto from April 17-20. http://twitter.com/cthan

is there a twitter feed for yc news? it might help for things like this. twitter.com/jdavid

Should we setup a google group to keep everybody informed?

Isn't that what this site is already for? How many sites do we need?

Indeed, but right now this site doesn't signals you (AFAIK) when a new comment has arrived so if you don't refresh it you won't get the latest news. We can always send another post with the final date, time and venue though.

You are not staying for Startup School?!

(Apr 19)

I would be interested in going, but will be there the 18th-20th.

jbyers that's greatly appreciated. I used to be at Berkeley so I don't know too many venues in SF. Any recommendation?

gibsonf1 how many people can we fit in you offices?

35-40 maybe more. There is a large assembly room downstairs if we need it that holds 100+, but I doubt we would need that.

So the event is confirmed at 240 2nd street on the 19th? If so, I'm going to book a return flight the next day, otherwise it's just going to cost me (hotel + rental). I'm willing to stay an extra night since YC'ers are a fun bunch. Speaking of which, any lone travelers out here want to split a hotel or something?

jayliew I haven't been able to contact Fred so I can't speak for the April 19th meeting. If anyone can get a hold of him please let me know.

Anyway, if you want to come around the April 16th meeting see the comments above :)

Whatever day it is, count me in.

I'll come.

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