I've actually been designing PCB versions of the modules for Ben Eaters tiny CPU, you can see them on my GitHub. Here's the latest one I've done, the ALU: https://github.com/lelandbatey/custom_cpu--ALU
Here's what the physical versions of the clock and the register look like during testing (red is clock, blue is register): https://goo.gl/photos/NSAEYVu7AbXVjcBK6
Very cool! I've been considering going this direction with the videos once I've finished everything for the breadboard version. Modular PCBs would make it a lot easier to rearrange things to experiment with different architectures, which could be interesting.
But I've got a lot of other ideas too, so who knows...
No, my background is entirely in CS. This is the first circuit and electronics work I've done, though I have two friends much more acquainted with electronics than I who have been giving advice.
Here's what the physical versions of the clock and the register look like during testing (red is clock, blue is register): https://goo.gl/photos/NSAEYVu7AbXVjcBK6