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This is why I'm buying a Chevy Bolt this weekend. My current lease is up and the Bolt is here right now. No reservations and wait lists. The Model 3 looks great, but the process to get one seems geared only people that really like Tesla, not someone like me that doesn't really care about cars.

The charging network is the real selling point over the Bolt. Well, looks too but that's subjective.

The supercharger network is impressive, for sure. But here in the Northeast there are enough CCS DC Fast charging stations available for use and more on the way, making the couple of times I do 200+ mile road trips each year not a big deal. 99% of the time I will be using a Level 2 EVSE at home, just like the Tesla folks will. Appearance-wise, I just don't care much because I've never been into sports cars. I think the Bolt is cute and the hatchback style makes it a good family car which is exactly what I was looking for. For those that like sexy sports cars and wouldn't be caught dead in a car that might as well come with those stick family stickers on the rear windshield, Tesla is the clear winner.

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