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I'm tired of hearing people complain about private companies' rules for using their information/platforms. Facebook and Apple can do whatever they want on their own platforms and if people don't like it they can leave/not use the service. That's how a free market and free web works. People complained about Microsoft's dominance years ago and now their ascendancy is ending due to this idea called the "market"...

The issue that a lot of people have is that they would like to see change happen in their lifetime. Microsoft is in a decline now, but that doesn't mean that: 1) it will continue to decline or 2) it will completely fail within our lifetimes. Once companies hit a certain level, they take a long time to completely fail due to the accumulated money and power during their 'good years.'

Change, in general, doesn't come about by people sitting around doing nothing but saying, 'the market will decide.' If you take the time to become an advocate for a certain 'side,' you can affect the market through public perception.

[aside: People are not always logical agents with access to full information like most economic theories seem to assume. To me this comes off like a lot of physics where things are assumed to be on a 'perfectly frictionless surface,' 'in a vaccum', etc.]

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