While it's a good warning to WMF, it's not currently a problem. With longevity, they are in for some large endowments. I think those giving a certain amount (?) should have a vote on various directions of the org, like shareholders but, for the common good that supports their mission statements, instead of shareholder value.
> While it's a good warning to WMF, it's not currently a problem.
I believe the author's thesis is that by the time "it's not currently a problem" is no longer an argument that makes sense, it will also no longer be possible to effectively correct the WMF's course in a way that will solve it.
I'm not sure I have any idea how to effectively determine if the author is correct about that, but certainly I don't think "it's not currently a problem" actually contradicts anything he's saying.
Funding will not grow forever, neither would expense. There's no danger it would consume whole world's GDP and would require us to acquire an intergalactic loan from Arcturian Galactic Bank. https://www.xkcd.com/605/