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Are you one of those people who are more interested in learning about how other people think? If so, it's odd that you're telling me how I think.

If you scroll up a bit, you'll see that it's precisely to avoid "war" that I want to emphasize objectivity. If everyone comes into a conversation with the purpose of discovering truth, the focus is on truth, and not who wins.

Finally, yeah, there is some objectively best way to edit code, and we'll get there eventually--or close enough to it that it would cease to be an issue. Why does this idea bother you?

On the last point, the claim only bothers me because it's a false claim--- there is no objectively "best" way to edit code. There isn't, in general, an objectively "best" anything, since best is a subjective notion. There might be, say, a way to edit code that objectively maximizes some criterion, but the choice of that criterion as the one you want to maximize is a subjective decision.

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