The state of the Haskell ecosystem is that it is amazing at encouraging people to write libraries, especially libraries to assist in writing haskell code but amazingly bad at encouraging people to write actual programs, especially actual programs useful for something that isn't writing code.
Take out the programs that are for writing code, ghc, shellcheck, darcs etc. And what are you actually left with? git-annexe, pandoc, xmonad is hledger worth knowing about if you don't care what language it was written in? (Maybe it's amazing, first I've heard of it).
Whenever I bring this up, people find it upsetting. The Haskell community might need to get past both of those things. 1.0 was 27 years ago. So many fabulous programmers have gone down the road for entertainment or enlightenment so where are your damn apps if you're a language that doesn't suck for writing them, no really, where are they?
Take out the programs that are for writing code, ghc, shellcheck, darcs etc. And what are you actually left with? git-annexe, pandoc, xmonad is hledger worth knowing about if you don't care what language it was written in? (Maybe it's amazing, first I've heard of it).
Whenever I bring this up, people find it upsetting. The Haskell community might need to get past both of those things. 1.0 was 27 years ago. So many fabulous programmers have gone down the road for entertainment or enlightenment so where are your damn apps if you're a language that doesn't suck for writing them, no really, where are they?