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I recently submitted a link about "Robust First Computing". It didn't get any response, but I'll repeat the link and description here, since it's certainly esoteric, but has some extremely important properties.

Robust-First Computing: Distributed City Generation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkSXERxucPc

A Movable Feast Machine [1] is a "Robust First" asynchronous distributed fault tolerant cellular-automata-like computer architecture.

The video "Distributed City Generation" [2] demonstrates how you can program a set of Movable Feast Machine rules that build a self-healing city that fills all available space with urban sprawl, and even repairs itself after disasters!

The paper "Local Routing in a new Indefinitely Scalable Architecture" [2] by Trent Small explains how those rules work, how the city streets adaptively learn how to route the cars to nearby buildings they desire to find, and illustrated the advantages of "Robust First" computing:

Abstract: Local routing is a problem which most of us face on a daily basis as we move around the cities we live in. This study proposes several routing methods based on road signs in a procedurally generated city which does not assume knowledge of global city structure and shows its overall efficiency in a variety of dense city environments. We show that techniques such as Intersection-Canalization allow for this method to be feasible for routing information arbitrarily on an architecture with limited resources.

This talk "Robust-first computing: Demon Horde Sort" [4] by Dave Ackley describes an inherently robust sorting machine, like "sorting gas", implemented with the open source Movable Feast Machine simulator, available on github [5].

A Movable Feast Machine is similar in many ways to traditional cellular automata, except for a few important differences that are necessary for infinitely scalable, robust first computing.

First, the rules are applied to cells in random order, instead of all at once sequentially (which requires double buffering). Many rule application events may execute in parallel, as long as their "light cones" or cells visible to the executing rules do not overlap.

Second, the "light cone" of a rules, aka the "neighborhood" in cellular automata terms, is larger than typical cellular automata, so the rule can see other cells several steps away.

Third, the rules have write access to all of the cells in the light cone, not just the one in the center like cellular automata rules. So they can swap cells around to enable mobile machines, which is quite difficult in cellular automata rules like John von Neumann's classic 29 state CA. [6] [7]

Forth, diffusion is built in. A rule may move the particle to another empty cell, or swap it with another particle in a different cell. And most rules automatically move the particle into a randomly chosen adjacent cell, by default. So the particles behave like gas moving with brownian motion, unless biased by "smart" rules like Maxwell's Demon, like the "sorting gas" described in the Demon Hoard Sort video.

In this video "Robust-first computing: Announcing ULAM at ECAL 2015" [8], David Ackley explains why "Robust First" computing and computing architectures like Movable Feast Machines are so incredibly important for scaling up incredibly parallel hardware.

I think this is incredibly important stuff in the long term, because we've hit the wall with determinism, and the demos are so mind blowing and visually breathtaking, that I want to try programming some of my own Movable Feast Machine systems!

[1] http://movablefeastmachine.org/

[2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkSXERxucPc

[3] http://www.cs.unm.edu/~ackley/papers/paper_tsmall1_11_24.pdf

[4] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=helScS3coAE

[5] https://github.com/DaveAckley/MFM

[6] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Von_Neumann_cellular_automaton

[7] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Von_Neumann_universal_construc...

[8] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aR7o8GPgSLk

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