While it's true that if you use debt financing, you're ensuring that you succeed or else, but consider credit card debt: Most credit cards have a high interest rate that compounds each month. By using credit cards (and carrying your debt more than a month or whatever your grace period is), you're increasing your expenses and your burn rate.
It would be better (IMO) to secure a business loan. You'll have a much lower interest rate and a longer time to repay - not to mention the easy regular payment plan.
Still, I prefer equity financing. 10% of a watermelon is more than 100% of a grape.
A business loan? Those that I've seen require hefty personal collateral if not several years of profit backed by tax records. Plus, the minimum amount is usually 25k to 50k. You'll be paying a lot more interest at higher risk than with a credit card.
It would be better (IMO) to secure a business loan. You'll have a much lower interest rate and a longer time to repay - not to mention the easy regular payment plan.
Still, I prefer equity financing. 10% of a watermelon is more than 100% of a grape.