You are absolutely right and for a founder whose truly committed to his/her business should only consider these rejections as a bump on the road.
However i still disagree with how YC select the startup for the interview. I mean the founders who really needs their support are mostly rejected by them while founders who already has raised a million dollar round (or enjoying revenues) are welcomed and signed by the YC team.
I think YC has now become more of a Standard tool for businesses rather providing actual support to founders who need them badly.
I'm from India and i personally know at least 10 founders here who already had raised so much of amount before getting into YC.
This doesn't makes sense to me as to why the heck would someone get into an incubator/accelerator who's already enjoying the business with healthy unit economics.
Startup incubators have now lost their vision and are now more into what i think has just restricted to the investment game.