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The Day of the Tentacle: Puzzle Dependency Graph Analysis (thewebsiteisdown.com)
77 points by tekromancr on April 18, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 13 comments

Cached view: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://...

(lacking some graphs, though, which is the most interesting of the article)

The site is back up now.

If you like adventure games, go to https://blog.thimbleweedpark.com/final_puzzles and read the complete blog and play the excellent game out now!

Just to add, there's a direct link back to DoTT / MM as well, as Thimbleweed Park is the brainchild of Ron Gilbert and Gary Winnick, the developer and artist behind the original games at LucasFilm (they were involved with Monkey Island as well).

Completed Thimbleweed Park over the Easter break and it's fantastic.

> they were involved with Monkey Island as well

Gilbert invented Monkey Island.

I really like the charts. Are they auto-generated or manual ? Does anyone recognize which tool it is?

This is my blog. Glad you like it. I used yEd for the dependency graphs. There's a lot of detail on how I did it in the first segment: http://thewebsiteisdown.com/twidblog/puzzle-dependency-graph.... Also available here in case my site goes down again (http://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/JoshuaWeinberg/20160502/27010...).

I can't see all of them since the site is down, but it looks like they could be from yEd / yFiles: https://www.yworks.com/products/yed

Apparently one of the dependencies is MySQL.

The name of the site reflects the behavior of the site. Th site is down :)

The irony is kind of delicious... ;-)

Looks like the website is, indeed, down.

"Error establishing a database connection" :/

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