I hate XXX as a placeholder for FIXME or TODO. There is no indication about its importance or meaning:
XXX temporary variable
Doesn't tell me, "hey, you should replace this temporary variable". If it did have a better comment, then it would be better, but still doesn't literally say FIXME!
I use TODO for things that are potential performance, memory utilization, or design issues.
FIXME I reserve for things that really should or must be fixed prior to a release. These include security issues, rare bugs, or improperly handled exceptions.
Most editors now have plugins that also match on TODO and FIXME which draws your attention to them in the code.
I use TODO for things that are potential performance, memory utilization, or design issues.
FIXME I reserve for things that really should or must be fixed prior to a release. These include security issues, rare bugs, or improperly handled exceptions.
Most editors now have plugins that also match on TODO and FIXME which draws your attention to them in the code.