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You don't select or navigate in text?

Shift+arrows — select characters

Option+arrows — jump between words or paragraphs

Cmd+arrows — jump to beginning/end of line or text

Shift+Option+arrows — select words or paragraphs

Option+Backspace — delete one word back

Cmd+A — select all

I actually used all of these except the last one while writing and formatting this comment! Plus clipboard shortcuts.

If you use vim in a terminal 100% of the time, none of those will matter to you because vim invents its own keyboard universe. But if you don't, I don't understand how you can have this opinion.

I get super annoyed with anything that somehow overrides these standard keyboard shortcuts, which is suprisingly often. Non-native UIs typically have to reimplement them because modern OSes have made the curious choice of not abstracting them.

I don't think it is a "Mac fans" thing. The exact same principles apply to Windows. Even to Linux, although the keyboard standardization there is next to non-existent. (I don't use Linux desktops often, but when I do, I get really frustrated that the terminals use Ctrl as a meta key instead of Command. So "copy" isn't Cmd+C, it's something like Ctrl+Alt+C.)

I use Cmd+A, that's it. It has a close corollary on every OS.

> If you use vim in a terminal 100% of the time, none of those will matter to you because vim invents its own keyboard universe.

I do, and this is one of the reasons I've never bothered with all of the details and shortcuts that you like.

Vim attempts to make the best possible text editor. It doesn't let "OS conventions" dictate what makes good text editing experience. What you get from apps staying to strict OS guidelines is a bunch of average -- not terrible but not inspiring -- applications.

Sorry if this sounds negative, but I'm perplexed why you would even involve yourself in the discussion when you don't have an opinion. It's like asking a bicyclist about how highways should work. They might go "I don't want any highways at all", but that's hardly useful to highway users (environmental concerns notwithstanding).

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