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There is single point of failure, kill the tracker = kill the whole network. You can get all the IPs from the tracker that are visiting certain site, it's not so secure if someone is not using tor.

Bittorrent supports more peer sources than just trackers, DHT being the most important one among the others.

It's not supported by ZeroNet.

You sure about that? Their presentation [says][1] "Tracker-less peer exchange is also supported". Any idea what that's referring to?

[1]: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1_2qK1IuOKJ51pgBvllZ9...

That one peer can send their peers. It's called peer exchange.

there are libraries, it shouldn't be difficult for them to add that.

Oh, they say the following on their issue tracker:

> zeronet protocol is different from torrent, so libtorrent will not work.

So the headline is misleading?

Yes, it's misleading. It's peer to peer but it doesn't speak the same protocol. You can look at the docs of its network protocol. https://zeronet.readthedocs.io/en/latest/help_zeronet/networ...

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