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Seems to me that Android had better security from the outset than (consumer) Windows had. It was not until XP that most home computers even had a notion of multiple users in any real sense, thanks to the NT core.

And i don't think the problem is so much that people do not value security, but that they approach a computer like it is an appliance. Meaning that they do not internalize that it can do things without them being physically present and setting things in motion (i find it unnerving that Windows 10 can apparently bring a laptop out of shutdown to do updates in the middle of the night, thanks to programmable timers embedded in the BIOS/UEFI).

I really wish that a modern PC got more "blinkenlights" not less (i hate helping my mom with her laptop, as the damn thing do not even have a HDD activity light).

> i find it unnerving that Windows 10 can apparently bring a laptop out of shutdown to do updates in the middle of the night

Heh, I remember when Apple used that as a feature. Instead of updates, it downloaded your email and other things you'd want to have already available when you open your laptop.

Power Nap works when your Mac is put to sleep. I don't think it would turn on your Mac if you powered it off.

Also, macOS does not force a system update schedule on you, unlike Windows 10 Home.

What I don't like about macOS is that you cannot postpone the update, well not for more than a day. So next day the same popup, even if it's a non essential update to Pages or iTunes. Yes I can click them away, but that's not the point.

> the damn thing do not even have a HDD activity light

My work laptop and one or two of my private machines have no HDD light, either. It drives me crazy.

For Windows, there is a tool called HD Activity Indicator. It only works after logging in, obviously, but still better than nothing.

> Seems to me that Android had better security from the outset than (consumer) Windows had.

It does, but it's also operating in a much more hostile environment. At least windows had regular updates though, that's not the case for most android phones.

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