The subculture of OS makers is far smaller than the subculture of esoteric programming language enthusiasts. Its inevitable if templeos works the esolang people will descend upon it. There's probably a hundred, maybe a thousand Intercal programmers for every templeos enthusiast and they all love a new challenge.
Personally I've been thinking of doing make-a-lisp in templeos. There's no point in doing make-a-lisp in qbasic or gnu awk or makefiles because its already been done. But make-a-lisp on templeos is, I believe, completely uncharted ground ... so in my infinite spare time ...
Personally I've been thinking of doing make-a-lisp in templeos. There's no point in doing make-a-lisp in qbasic or gnu awk or makefiles because its already been done. But make-a-lisp on templeos is, I believe, completely uncharted ground ... so in my infinite spare time ...